Even If I Lose Everything: The Georgia Museum of Art

"Each image becomes an event for each viewer, who through careful looking, is able to interpret or elaborate on the narrative through his or her experience.”


This is the first solo museum exhibition for Texas-based artist Ted Kincaid. For the past 30 years, Kincaid has used the medium and history of photography to subvert systematically the notion of an objective photographic record. His art continues to investigate the play between painting and photography and creates a new painting informed by photo-imagery and a new photography influenced by painting.


The exhibition focuses on a series of Kincaid’s digital dissections of skyscapes from his own photographs, as well as skies from the paintings of historical artists, which he uses as base elements to stitch together an entirely new pixel-based rendition of the firmaments. Nothing has been added nor taken away, but instead radically reordered.